Alchemy of the Rose Series


My Rose Intiation

My initiation into the Path of the Rose came through my daughter Sarah.

Sarah was my forth child. I knew I was to have 4 children - 2 boys and 2 girls, so when Sarah was conceived, she was that final girl I had known was coming. My pregnancy was not like any I had had before and mentally I was not coping. The levels of anxiety and depression were extreme and I did not want to be here. I had battled for years with this but never to this degree.

Sarah passed in my Womb at 24 weeks. The following 2 weeks were some of the hardest yet the most profound and beautiful I have ever experienced. It was when the veil was thinnest and my heart the most open to feel her. As soon as I had birthed her my anxiety lifted. She guided us through this tough time with her pure presence of unconditional love and she guided me to the Rose. The Rose became our special connection and at the time I had no idea the depth of this connection and what she was giving me through this.

Her physical presence in my life, even though it was brief, was the most extraordinary gift. The grief took me to levels of pain I had not allowed myself to previously explore. It opened me to see all the areas within myself where I had not allowed love to penetrate my being.

She guided me within so I could start to recognise the people and resources I needed to connect with for support, and also for re-connection to my Rose Lineage, my spiritual path, ancestral and past life healing, and I started to gather all my soul fragments. I began to let go of all that was not me. This path took me to a very low point where again I had a decision to make – did I want to be here or not?

It was my choice.

That was a turning point.

I was standing in a garden I created, amongst her roses, when I made the decision to stay - for ME – I chose to stay FOR ME, of my own freewill, to honour this life I was given.

Her Rose was pale pink. I didn’t know this at the time but the pink Rose is symbolic of Unconditional Self-Love and this was the path I had subsequently chose.

I distinctly remember a moment when it was clear what I needed to do.

I made the decision to follow a path of Self Love – and I was dedicated to this.

For at least 3 years I sought out anything and everything that aligned to this frequency and I walked the path. It was a commitment to myself. Not to Sarah or anyone else. Sarah guided me within to see what was there all along.

There is so much more I could share but for now, Sarah’s birth and death in 2016 launched me into a remembrance of my soul, of my Divine mission and of my Rose Lineage.

I journeyed towards the Rose path, through Womb work, receiving spiritual mentoring in this for 3 years and then I moved away (as we often do when we are called to something deeply). I resisted the call for some time, seeking a period to recalibrate, discern, expand into other areas and really feel myself.

Many things fell away, my programming and beliefs that controlled me and kept me limited, dissolved, co-dependent relationships released and I allowed myself to let go of my marriage and family unit, stepping into the unknown – which I now know was another initiation on my path. The Rose has continued to call me and my path repeatedly guides me back to it.

So I am stepping in. I am owning my Rose Lineage, my calling and its place in my mission as it unfolds

The Path of the Rose is a path of Love.

It is a call of the soul to awaken and align to Divine Union within self.

It is a commitment to following and honouring your truth at all times.

It is trusting your deepest knowing.

It is honouring your body as a Vessel for Divine Love.

It is sharing the Rose Codes through your authentic expression.

It is allowing the Cosmic Divine Mother Womb and her cycles to guide and hold you.

It is blossoming into the most potent version of you that you can be.

It is a path that calls for us to be led by the heart - our connection to the Divine.

The Rose acts as a guide, like an earthly symbol of Divinity, a custodian, that activates a remembering of the Rose Codes within. It is one of many other symbols connected to this path of Divine Love & service.

It is the one that called me in to be all that I can be


Alchemy of the Rose Series


Alchemy of the Rose Series