Journey of The Wild Rose

Do you feel there is more?

Are you feeling the rumblings within of an expression that wants to come through you but you aren’t sure what the next step is?

Are you feeling the heaviness of emotional patterns, programming and trauma controlling you?

Are you sick of the mundane?

Do you regularly feel lost, alone, afraid, unsupported, disconnected or frustrated?

Are you wanting to feel in love with life?

Do you desire to contribute, feel fulfilled and make a difference?

Journey of The Wild Rose is a 3 month program, designed to help you discover more of who you truely are and feel confident to live it.

In an intimate group of likeminded passionate women you will come together for 3 months in a powerful unified field, nurtured by the feminine essence. You will be guided and held as you journey within, learning the art of being soft yet strong, gentle yet solid, flowing yet clear, so you may move into shining your unique light so brightly that nothing can dim you.

As we come to the last month of Venus’s retreat behind the sun, and near the end of the calender year, this is a great chance to look at shedding the layers that continue to bind and control us, so that we can release them and move into the new year having a clearer vessel and strong vision for 2023.

From December 2nd, Venus begins to emerge from behind the sun and ascend back towards the earth. With her ascent she will gradually bring higher frequencies that will really support us to let go of what is no longer in full alignment and wanting to fall away. We can find ourselves in resistance when these changes present.

This container of The Wild Rose is a chance to be supported to shed the old and transition into the more authentic expression of you with the planetary support of Venus.

Are you one of the women who feel the call to embark on this journey?

This program is for you if…

…You desire to live a more heart-led life where your essence and passion drive you

…You are ready to move through the blocks that are preventing you from blossoming into more of who you truly are

…You feel disconnected from yourself and the world around you

…You are ready to receive support to navigate the areas you feel stuck

…You are willing to take radical self-responsibility and sit with the hard stuff

…You are sick of playing small

…You are willing to meet the parts of you that you have hidden away in fear

…You know that there is more for you, and you feel activated from reading this

…You are feeling excitement in your body at the anticipation of stepping toward the truth of who you are

….You seek to feel the fullness of life in all you do

…You still struggle at times with that inner voice of the ego that wants to keep you safe and tries to convince you not to step out…

…You have had enough of fear, anxiety, depression or dis-regulated emotion ruling you

…You know you are here for more

…You can feel a power within you but don’t quite know how to express it or bring it through

…You desire to align to your inner knowing and learn how to use the superpower of your intuition to guide you in all you do

…You desire to know and move with your divine feminine essence

…You have decided a mediocre life is not for you

…You are committed to living your full potential and are ready to take the next step



Bring greater

into your BEING

Reach greater depths of


….and allow yourself to feel the


of this life

More Than Ever Before

Combining the power of the group experience with the benefits of individual tailored support, I have created a program designed to assist you to go within and unlock the jewels of your soul so you can step into a more authentic you, feeling more joy for life and greater clarity on your place in the world.

I have specifically structured this program in this way to allow for it to integrate into daily living and give you real time support. I have found it is in the in-between times, when sometimes a little prompt, some encouraging words, just being witnessed or allowing oneself to reach out, instead of giving up or following a usual pattern, can be very powerful in changing the ways we operate and rewiring our neural networks.

How will the program be structured and what will I receive?

Over 3 months we will dive deep into your heart to bring you into greater alignment with your true self.

Journey of The Wild Rose will consist of:

  • 1 x 1.5 hour 1:1 Initial Personal Coaching session (including Human Design Review)

  • 1 x 1 hour 1:1 Personal Coaching Session (zoom or in person)

  • Human Design Chart Generation & Overview to support you to understand your personal chart and the strategy you were designed to use to navigate this life.

  • Weekly group zoom sessions (12 sessions) to review previous week and cover program content for next week

  • 2 Masterclasses - experts in their field will share their wisdom to help you support yourself in the transformation process

  • Private facebook group access for ongoing support and communications

  • Unlimited text support

1:1 Sessions

The first one on one session is designed to clarify your specific needs so we can tailor the program to meet you where you are at and so that I know how to best support you on our journey together. It will include a review of your Human Design chart.

We will have a 1:1 personal coaching session at the end to check in with what has unfolded for you in the program and help you create a plan for what is needed for you to continue creating momentum on your path forward.


MASTERCLASS 1: Dr Shelley Axford, Chiropractor, will present:

How to Attune to your Bodies Unique Frequency & Support your Transformation Energetically

In this class Shelly will share with us her expert knowledge on the nervous system and how the body holds and shifts frequency. You will gain a deeper understanding of why your body holds emotional trauma patterns, how those frequencies can be shifted and ways to support the shedding of stubborn patterns.

Shelley works from a very unique perspective. She is so much more than a Chiropractor! Using techniques that tap into the energetic field of the body, she accesses patterns to allow it to free up more lifeforce energy. With more lifeforce energy available to us we can free ourselves from all that holds us back and allow ourselves to move into our creator self.

 B. App. Sci. (Chiropractic)
Level 3 Certified Network Spinal Analysis (NSA) Chiropractor
Somato-Respiratory Integration (SRI) Wellness Educator / Facilitator
Trauma Release Experience (TRE) – Level 2 Instructor


MASTERCLASS 2: Kate Bird - Naturopath         

Supporting your Physical Body with the Emotional Detox Process

In this Masterclass, Kate will look at how the body may respond physically to the surfacing of pain, the release of emotions, the letting go of patterns and beliefs and big shifts in our identity that occur during transformations. She will share ways that you can support your body to transition gently with more grace and ease

Kate works with clients in a variety of ways to support their body vehicle to be nourished and functioning at its greatest potential. Kate is always looking for the body to tell her what it needs and then finding ways to respond that will allow the body to access its highest vibration. She is highly attuned receiving direct spiritual guidance which informs her practice. Kate uses many modalities and understands the impact of emotions in the patterns of Dis-Ease or illness.

How can you benefit from being part of this offering?

  • Get clear on what is holding you back and learn ways to navigate this

  • Release old programming, beliefs and patterns that are keeping you stuck

  • Find your centre and learn ways to self sooth and practice emotional regulation

  • Feel held in a gentle, compassionate and safe space so you can show up in your true authenticity

  • Rekindle your relationship with your feminine essence and allow this to move and guide you

  • Be supported to integrate all that arises as a result of this powerful journey

  • Reconnect with joy, fun and pleasure

  • Find clarity for your own path, needs, desires and dreams

  • Receive your Human Design chart and learn how you can work with your innate design

  • Accountability – having a group to work with in a process like this provides substantial opportunity for reflection, momentum and energy that can be profound in supporting us to see our own stuff, take action and move forward.

  • Personal guidance to move through your blocks in real time

  • Allow yourself to receive and create a new strength in the sisterhood – this is an opportunity to be witnessed, held and encouraged by your sisters in a safe supportive space

There is a magnitude available to you in the shared experience.

Being truly seen, allowing yourself to be witnessed and offering the same in return requires great courage and forms deeper trust in yourself and in others.

Journey of The Wild Rose


Enquire for next Program Dates

We will come together on weekly zoom calls from around 8pm AEST (Qld time) (exact time TBC once group is established).

1:1 appointments will be arranged at a time suitable for you prior to the first group call.

There will be limited spots available in order to keep our space sacred & intimate.

If this Journey resonates with your heart I invite you to register your interest NOW and I will be in touch to organise a brief chat to share more and get to know you.


$355.00 AU

This program has been kept at minimum cost at this point in time to reach as many women who need this support.

It is amazing value!!

However, this program will require far more than a financial investment, it will require your full committment to YOU.

Are you ready!?








To claim your spot in Journey of the Wild Rose