Hi, I’m Heidi Soraya Rose

owner & founder of

Nurtured Hearts

My mission is to activate the remembrance within and support you to live in alignment with your full potential.

I do this first through my own alignment. I am committed to my own path of expansion, continually investing in a loving relationship with myself and finding gratitude in all of my experience. I have never followed the usual path in anything I do and I know this is because of my leadership qualities and because I listen to my heart and allow my soul to guide me.

I know I have something unique to offer the world just as I believe you do too.

My Background

Owning a Coaching & Seminar company gave me the opportunity to train, manage and work with other coaches and also to run personal development events. Through experiential learning we took people through a journey that extended beyond the realms of talk therapy and provided real and personal insights. I like to incorporate these elements into my work to support people to step out of the story they are stuck in, and to choose a mindset that supports them to move forward.

With over 7 years as a Counsellor in the areas of Mental Health, Crisis Support, Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault, as well as a range of other issues, I know the importance of creating a safe, nurturing connected space for exploring the tender issues.

I hold a graduate Diploma in Counselling and have done studies in Social Work and Naturopathy. I have worked with Children, Adults, Individuals and Couples. I have experience in supporting people through grief, trauma and those in the grips of anxiety and depression.

Both these parts of my professional path show me that the processing of the trauma and patterns associated with it,

AND finding tangible ways to move beyond it, are crucial parts of the process.

The Heart of my practice

Unveiling all that I am through compassionate enquiry and dedication to this path of continual expansion – THIS is where I have found the depth of my own heart and developed my capacity to hold space for others to feel safe to share theirs.

Whilst I do have this official training, it is my personal life experience that has given me the most insight and the greatest capacity for embodiment of the practices I share.

To walk a path of love is to turn inward

and know oneself to the core.

It is to accept all parts of you,

the shadow and the light.

This is the journey that informs my practice so much more than any paper I gained at university.

Just as we often experience trauma in relationship, so too do we experience healing in relationship.

My Passions

One of my main passions is developmental and relational trauma and the potential there is to transform this into the most precious of life changing and life defining gifts.

Feminine embodiment is also a big part of my work. I am passionate about educating on the sacred feminine essence and how to bring this aspect of ourselves into divine connection and in union with the masculine within.

I support women with perinatal anxiety & depression and pregnancy grief & loss as this is very close to my heart with 1 in 3 women having experienced a loss at some time in their lives.

My Approach

As a Holistic Practitioner I offer my clients an all round approach. The relationship we create when you work with me offers a space for relational healing. We are complex beings and there are many ways we can heal and grow. In addition to the container of the relationship and the processing opportunities this provides, I look at all aspects of ones being and encourage any mode of enquiry or focus that resonates for you to support your expansion.

I do believe any Dis-Ease or Illness is a result of unprocessed trauma or stuck emotion, be that from this life or a past one. Using methods of verbal expression, somatic experiencing and other experiential methods we can bring parts of us into conscious awareness and find ways to integrate them.

Another way to access the unconscious or stuck parts is through vibrational healing. This provides an avenue for moving and shifting stuck energy in your body and energetic field. I find this very complementary to my Counselling and Coaching work. My vibrational healing gifts allow me to support shifts of energy through Reiki, Access Consciousness Bars and using Light Language to activate, clear and transmute.

I believe my Counselling, Coaching & Energy work is a powerful mix, capable of supporting you to come into your full conscious expression.

I bring All of me to be of service to the Divine in alignment with Love & Truth and I would be honoured to walk beside you on your journey within.

I look forward to connecting!

In Infinite Love & Compassion
