Alchemy of the Rose Series

In dedication to my Rose Lineage I am guided to shine light on the path of the Rose and its place in awakening the collective. Below is a weekly post series called Alchemy of the Rose offering information, insights and guidance for your contemplation.


Sweet Magic

I have always been drawn to the rose. Her sweet perfume fills my senses creating a feeling of euphoric connection like no other. She brings me into deep gratitude and opens me to receive. I can't help but make sounds of joy to express how she touches my soul. It's as if she speaks to me in a whole other language.

She is a pathway. She has a definite place in history and a place in the future. Roses are one of the oldest known flowers, showing up in music and literature for many centuries. Archaeologists have discovered rose fossils that date back 35 million years. Roses, when receiving what they need, will keep on growing and growing - the oldest known Rose is 1000 years old growing on a Cathedral wall in Germany. Wow! Now thats longevity!

Her magic is why she represents a pathway of conscious unconditional love

As you gaze into this image, can you see the heart shape created in the centre of the rose?

The pink rose represents self-love & compassion


Alchemy of the Rose Series