Alchemy of the Rose Series


Peering Through the Petals

I had todays post written…today came, and it was not that which wanted to be shared! So in honour of feminine flow, here is what wanted to be shared today.

The Rose Pathway is a way of life, a way of being, an embodiment of a frequency. It is guided by practices and rituals honouring the sacred connection of Divine Union and the temple of our body as a vessel within which to experience Oneness.

The journey here starts by turning inward and seeing all that is in the way of us fully accepting ourselves as a Divine being capable of holding pure light. Our body cannot be a clear vessel for the Divine if we have not made space to allow it. Our gifts cannot flow through us with ease and grace until we clear the way and raise our vibration to hold them.

The feminine essence within the collective and within each of us, whether here in a male or female body, is leading this compassionate reconnection to clean out the old. Her nurturing and her receptiveness are what allows us to learn to hold those parts of us that are stuck in trauma, pain and fear. Its what conducts the frequency of love through the vessel in a way that brings to the surface all that is not love, so it can be seen and receive love. The Rose lineage speaks to that part in our soul to awaken our feminine energy and allow it to start to dance its magical transformation.

Without knowing her within we cannot receive her outside. Have you unfurled your petals to reveal what lies within you? Can you allow your feminine to graciously unveil all of your shadow and bring you to your innermost knowing?

Some questions for self reflection…

What arises when you think of the feminine?

Do you feel your feminine?

What is your relationship like with this aspect of you?

Do you recognise her presence?

Do commune with her regularly and allow her to move you and touch you?

Are you open to receive?

Do you connect to her through your body?

Do you feel her in the land, in nature?

Do you allow her to hold you in your pain and inspire you into creative expression?

Do you trust her guidance and let it inform your action?


Alchemy of the Rose Series


Alchemy of the Rose Series