Alchemy of the Rose Series


The Venusian Rose Pathway

Why was yesterday (October 22nd, 2022) a significant day?

The cycle of Venus is one that informs many practices of the Rose Lineage.

You will notice the Venusian Rose Mandala is part of my business logo. This is the pattern that Venus makes as she orbits the Earth. The pattern resembles a 5 petaled rose.

Venus, also known as the ‘Orbiting star of Remembrance’ is very special to Earth, in that she forms Earths etheric body, the only initiating force of Earth at this time. She is Earths 5D, the higher aspect, sometimes referred to as Earths sister. Anything coming into Earth must pass through the energy of Venus first. If you want to ascend Earth, the Venus body must first be integrated. Venus acts as an intermediary for the suns energies. She allows earth to receive the suns energy in more manageable frequencies. The Ancient Greek translation for Venus is “bringer of light”.

So why was yesterday so significant?

Venus takes 8 years to orbit Earth. In her orbit she has 5 star points, moving through 5 zodiac signs, each taking 19 months to cycle. Each of these 5 star points has a phase of ascension and a phase of descension.

October 22 marks the point when she is behind the Sun, and the furthest away from Earth. This is the exterior conjunction point, known as the Cazimi, which was yesterday. Here she stops in the middle of her retrograde, pauses and then begins her new ascent journey with the Sun, out of the descent phase and back towards the Earth.

Yesterday was an especially significant conjunction as she moved out of Scorpio where she has been for 150 years, and into Libra. In our lifetime, we have never been with Venus in anything but Scorpio so this brings a big shift for humanity!

After this exterior conjunction, during the time of ascension, we view Venus as the first star in the night sky after the sun sets and refer to her as the "Evening Star"

After the Interior conjunction, during the descending phase, we view Venus as the "Morning Star", or the last star to disappear before the sun rises. Each phase takes just over 9 months.

The Morning star is said to have an Earth Goddess/Warrior energy, as if moving towards the war, whilst the Evening star is said to have a Celestial Goddess/Love Energy, as if retreating from war into a place of peace.

We have been in the descent phase since February 2022. There is a point in this phase at which Venus goes behind the sun, this is referred to in ancient mythology as “the Underworld” when Venus is not visible to Earth for the time she takes to pass behind the sun. This is seen as a period of darkness.

The Underworld time is when we are called inward to be deeply present in our hearts with our shadow aspects in order to receive what we need and release anything that is preventing us from moving forward into the light.

The feminine cyclical nature of Venus provides us with a beautiful opportunity to sync with her and utilize the natural frequencies she provides to Earth in her orbit. The descent phase is when much of our wounding will arise to be seen. This time is like an emptying out of a cycle, much like the bleed of a woman’s womb cycle. Interestingly, the time it takes for each phase correlates to that of human gestation

On December 2nd we will see Venus back in the night sky as she comes out from behind the Sun on her ascent.

Venus’s energy is here to support the awakening of the feminine templates in our body: our temple – connecting through the heart, womb and yoni - so we may remember how to use our bodies innate wisdom and that of Earths to collectively heal and transition to higher frequencies.

It gets really fascinating when one begins to notice the corresponding patterns of collective events and your own personal issues arising in relation to astrological events. We as individuals and as a collective energy reflect the vibrations of the planetary movements.

So what does all this mean for you?

It means that The Venusian Pathway provides you with an amazing amount of astrological support in your awakening process. Both as individual and as a planet we benefit from Venus’s cycle. It means that this current time we are in is a time for really addressing your shadow aspects. If much has arisen for you this year, as it has in the collective, it is likely connected to these planetary movements and you may find it helpful to move with them with the support of Venus. There is a perfection you can rest in here and work WITH.

In the coming couple of months, can you embrace your shadow, really allow it to penetrate you so you can fully shed it?

Can you commit to bringing love to those deepest parts, the parts you have hidden?

Today I was not feeling like showing up, the last thing I wanted to do was write this post.

I’m right in the thick of it. Right in the depths of processing all the sisterhood wounds…which makes me want to withdraw and hide away.

The pouring rain is another thing that makes me want to be a recluse.

As we reached this mid-point yesterday I was provided with opportunities to dive deep, to feel back into aspects that pierce my heart with an intensity that I feel travels back to the beginning of time. By this I mean, aspects that have repeated throughout many lives and have been patterns in this life – things I am ready to let go of, things I must transform in order to make space for the new. In being with these aspects, I have seen the gifts, it has affirmed my knowing of myself, and of my divinity, through all space and time. It's still raw and I will be with it until it is transmuted.

It’s funny, as I knew when I committed to doing this post series, that it was to ensure I continued to show up no matter what. That’s something I’ve struggled with, surprisingly not in relationship, there I am loyal AF, but here online I have typically been inconsistent. So amongst other things, these posts are me showing up, and being real, in and of, my present experience. And I’m so glad I showed up today because I have learnt so much!

Another reason my guides encouraged me to take this action, was to help me solidify my knowledge – as I am sharing my remembering and learning, I am integrating it. I am no expert in any of this, I am just starting to gain a deeper knowledge, and there is an incredible amount to receive here!

In taking this action of making a regular post, I feel myself an intermediary, a messenger for this information, to break down a complex matter into digestible amounts to reach more people, so together we can activate the remembrance and bring this work to life, letting it inform how we move through our journey, clearing as much of the wounding as we can to raise the vibration for all and move into the New Earth.

I feel so blessed to have been led to some amazing guides and mentors and to be able to bring you this information today.

I hope it has provided you some insight and awareness of the support you have etherically and some assurance that you are not alone in the depths of your pain, ever.

In Infinite Love & Compassion,

Venusian Rose blessings to you

Heidi xx


Alchemy of the Rose Series


Alchemy of the Rose Series