Alchemy of the Rose Series


Sisters of the Rose - Unique & Potent

I literally feel my vibration lift as I breathe in her fragrance. This is evidence to me of her potency.

Last night as I sat with a small bouquet of roses from my garden, appreciating their beauty, breathing them in and talking to them, I experienced feelings of passion, a feeling of humility, as if wanting to bow down, a sense of freedom, flow, grace, seductiveness and an opening - energy moving from my heart, through my throat and out through my crown.

But most of all I was stuck by their uniqueness. Even those from the same plant were different. And each stage of the roses bloom smelt different. Did you know outside at night she closes down and her fragrance diminishes?

Each colours’ fragrance and appearance has a very different vibration. My mind began to get active…it likes to get in the way at times. I wanted to feel the roses message to me, not think it. Light language is a way I find my mind has no choice but to step aside, and so I channelled.

I was shown a circle of women. Each woman having her own potent uniqueness, just like a rose. The Rose Lineage is about the enhanced potency of women gathering together, each with our own Divine fragrance and sharing this to uplift each other.

Have you ever smelt a rose and felt it was pulling you down? I haven’t.

The truth of a rose is that she always uplifts.

This is a truth that guides us as Sisters of the Rose.

The radiance of our gifts are magnified in coming together to share, to give and receive.

This is how we touch the world.

This is how we spread our message.

This is how we bring Divinity and let it ripple throughout the lands.

Her potency also comes as a healing vibration.

I work with the rose in my sessions as a way to support energetic healing processes. I will be feeling more into the specifics of the different colours and their healing capacities to refine my practice, as I can feel the element of uniqueness here was also to encourage greater specificity for healing.

The wells of the waters within us will swell and overflow to fill the lands with potent fluids of unconditional love, transforming every heart with the touch of Divinity that exists in everything

Infinite Love & Compassion,

Heidi x


Alchemy of the Rose Series


Alchemy of the Rose Series