Alchemy of the Rose Series


The Rose Lineage


The Rose is but one symbol of this Divine Path.

A path that weaves its way throughout all timelines, spaces and dimensions. It denotes the Divine Feminine essence present in the stars, present in the Earth and present in her people.

Stemming right back to the time of creation where The Divine, a union of both feminine and masculine as one, gave birth to all that is. The feminine aspect, known to many as Sophia (the Greek word for Wisdom), the Great Mother Goddess or the Divine Mother, present and part of it all.

We are not so familiar with this feminine aspect of God. Over time her significance has been deliberately denied and suppressed through religious conditioning and maleficent programming, until more recently when the feminine has begun her rise again.

The Ancients carried an underlying knowing that they came from the Sacred womb of the Cosmic Mother and as Earthly beings a knowing that in physical form we came from the womb of Gaia and there we would also return. All human life comes through Her. How can she, the feminine aspect of the Divine, present in us all, not be honoured!

There were times in our his/her-story when the feminine was revered. She was seen for the powerful wisdom keeper she was. Writings and art of all kind outwardly expressing her sacredness and importance within society.

The Rosary, one such practice associated with Mother Mary, and commonly known for its place in the Catholic Church, interestingly forms the symbol for woman - the loop with a cross hanging down

The devotion practice of the rosary actually dates back far before this time, when men and women would use a garland of woven flowers, often roses and beads entwined with prayers and mantras as a way to honour the goddess.

But with patriarchal rule no longer encouraging, often changing, or even banishing, practices that honoured the feminine, these ways went underground or out of sight in order to continue. For example, we would see the Rosary no longer used in the same way as it had been in past.

It is hard to say when the Rose Lineage began, because the honouring of the feminine has been a practice since the beginning of time. However, the Sisterhood of The Rose began in Atlantis where priestesses were gathered in circles of 12 to anchor the Goddess energies. This gathering of Sisters of the Rose has continued throughout time.

There have been certain beings of great significance who have come specifically to embody the Divine feminine in certain times and places in his/her-story that have been fundamental in the Rose Lineage path.

These women who chose to come down in human form as representations of The Great Mother, were recognized by the people through the ages with the same reverence.

This is the spiritual lineage of Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, Yeshua, Anna (Grandmother of Yeshua), Joan of Arc, Lady Venus, Isis, Sekhmet, Hathor, Inanna, Persephone, Lilith and many others. It is said that Diana is also of the Rose Lineage, and Megan is here to carry on her work in the Royal Family. All bringing through in their own specific way the embodiment of the Divine feminine to have a significant impact in the world around them.

What I see in each is an unwavering conviction of truth and a steadfast devotion to their mission, rooted in unconditional love, carried out with the courage of a lion and the deepest level of surrender. These qualities can inspire us as we each embark on our own unique missions.

Why is this all important now?

For our collective to rise we must anchor the New Earth in Divine Union.

This means we must first come into Divine Union within.

The Divine Feminine has recently begun to re-emerge in the collective consciousness, calling for each of us to recognize this feminine aspect of the Divine within us, so we may move into alignment with her, hear her wisdom and allow the mysteries of her creation to move us into remembrance.

She calls for men and women to honour their feminine within, as this will allow the Divine masculine to move into his rightful place of honour and union also.

Together and in harmony these Divine Union energies will open us to receiving and activating new light codes for the transformation of the collective.

Let our hearts be inspired by the purity and devoted commitment of those who came before us in the Lineage of the Rose, that we too may choose a life aligned to the highest service of unconditional love

Infinite Love & Compassion

Heidi x


Alchemy of the Rose Series


Alchemy of the Rose Series