Alchemy of the Rose Series


Divine Inner Union

Divine Masculine - Divine Feminine - Divine Union

The Rose Path has typically been seen as a pathway of the Divine Feminine. This was due to the practices that originated from the Divine Feminine masters and guides in the lineage.

This is a path of Divine Union however, which means it is a sacred harmony of masculine and feminine energies. In mastering this within, one is able to come into this with another.

The feminine has long held the codes and activations to receive the masculine into her portal of transformation, which is her Divine role. It is here that the power of Divine union becomes an amplified union between masculine, feminine and Source.

The programming that has turned us against ourselves, that has turned men against women, and women against men, that has had us turn away from the compass and grounding of nature, was all designed to disempower us and cut us off from Source and our sacred infinite power.

The story of Jesus has played a large role in this. Religion indoctrination teaches that we are all sinners and the only way back is through him.

We are not sinners that need to be saved.

We are neither inherently good nor inherently bad.

This is a perception of the mind, a polarization in order for us to have a tangible experience we can make sense of, and to distort our view so that we may feel powerless and disconnected and seek solace outside of ourselves.

In actual fact, we are LOVE!

Love is neutral, neither good nor bad, its zero point and brings everything into harmony.

Love IS, just by its natural vibration, harmony, it is truth.

Yeshua offered us a way to see this. His vibration was clear and pure in order that he may carry out his mission on earth.

It was man who has twisted what Yeshua’s mission was.

He is a representation of Pure Divine Unconditional Love on Earth, here to plant seeds of Christ Consciousness for humanity.

He did not come to save us.

This would imply that we need to be saved from something.

We do not.

We are all powerful co-creators of our experience.

He came to bring the codes of Unconditional Love for us to receive from so that we could return to truth and live in love as one with Source. He was here to show us the way. And there have been many other such masters walk the earth who have come to do the same.

But he did not carry out his mission alone.

He was here to bring the codes of Divine union to earth.

These Sacred codes allowing an amplification of connection to Source. He was assisted by Divine feminine priestess Mary Magdalen, of the Rose Linage, who had trained in the feminine mystery temples arts with the other Magdalens, a name given due to the location they lived. This was another story skewed and misrepresented by religious teachings, in order to disempower the feminine.

Mary Magdalen, the Feminine Christ, was just as much a part of this process of seeding Christ Consciousness as Yeshua himself.

Her role of bringing in the Divine Feminine energies was crucial for Yeshua to be fully activated to receive, so he could rise into his mission as he did.

She was his equivalent in the Feminine.

Hence why her power was not recognized and rather, her reputation dishonoured and a persona of her as a repented prostitute created – she was powerful and her capacity threatened the ways of religious teachings.

Together, Mary and Yeshua, of the Rose Lineage, brought through the codes of Divine Union for the world, which are now revealing themselves again, with their divine support.

The veils are now lifting and this Christed way of being is weaving its way into our hearts to awaken our remembrance of our Divine nature once again.

It is a 'Consciousness' that Yeshua brought through and planted on Earth so that yes, we may find our way to our Heart Source connection and REMEMBER that we ARE eternal beings of Light. One could see this as saving us, but really we do not need ‘saving’ for we are, in essence, love.

We will just continue to evolve until we realise this, and with freewill, we choose how quickly we will do it.

Collectively we have been numbed down and unconscious to the truth of who we are. Humanity, with the help of cosmic shifts, is currently experiencing an accelerated awakening into higher states of consciousness.

As these higher frequencies emerge into the collective, in the form of lineages such as the Rose, we are infused with love to enable release of the trauma and programming that has wired us to believe we are something we are not.

This clearing out of junk DNA allows us to hold more light codes or higher frequencies.

As always, the frequency we hold will determine what we attract.

The Rose Codes are now available for us to access so that we may anchor the New Earth in the consciousness of Divine Union and support Gaia’s evolution.

Whilst the feminine has been the initiator of this, the Queens of the Rose Path call forward the masculine now to join them, those who are custodians of the King Codes.

This is the next stage in the awakening of this pathway into humanity. More Kings are rising into their sacred masculine to join their Queens in Divine Union.

These custodians of the sacred wisdom are, in their unions, bringing forth the codes of light that awaken this consciousness within us all. So that we may clear and transmute the unaligned layers and first come into Divine Union within, before joining with our Divine Union partner if this is in our blueprint.

The more Divine Unions, the higher the frequency of Gaia.

Men, you too are asked to remember your Rose Lineage. Allow your feminine to awaken you and your masculine to harmonise with her.

Together we can transform the earth.

The Rose Lineage carries a frequency that alchemizes the hearts of all of humanity into a consciousness of Unconditional Love, Divine Union within and a Oneness with Source.

It is a powerful lineage with a fundamental role at this time

In infinite love & compassion,

Heidi xx


Alchemy of the Rose Series


Alchemy of the Rose Series