Alchemy of the Rose Series


Anchoring the New Path in through the Body

We are called to Anchor the Rose Path into the Earths body Now

Just as we are living beings, Gaia and the entire Cosmos are also alive and pulsing.

As has been mentioned in previous posts, the Path of the Rose is a Consciousness that was present at the beginning in the Great Mother, the womb of all and nothing, from which creation was birthed and to which all is connected.

This consciousness was seeded on Earth into the ley lines of Gaia through sacred vortices which have carried the consciousness throughout the planet.

These energies are guided by the Pleiades, Sirius, the Sun and the Moon and their relationships with Venus, whose cycle has been venerated and tracked by many ancient civilisations for her emanation of divine feminine wisdom.

Venus carries keys and codes through her sacred geometry that support the awakening of Gaia (to learn more about Venus’s beautiful orbit, the living path of the rose, see my Alchemy of the Rose FB Post – Week 4 (or find it here in my blog):

What I find so beautiful is that Venus has touched so many all over the lands, every nation, language and colour. She brings together all lineages, embraced by the Great mother in the consciousness of Divine love.

You may find yourself seeking out this Divine light, but these Sophianic Mysteries of the Celestial Rose were seeded to awaken in humanity NOW and as such, they are seeking you also.

They are awakening within our bodies, in our heart space, in our womb space, they are the energies of Eros calling from within, reactivating us and awakening the Divine Blueprint of Humanity.

The gates of remembrance are collectively opening so that we can birth a new timeline and a new consciousness here on this planet.

We are birthing an age of love, divine sovereignty, peace, harmony and restoring power, justice and Oneness.

Makes sense right, this is all of what has come to the surface over the past 3 years – suddenly people’s eyes are opening and seeing how we need change and what is needed to create new ways of functioning.

The Consciousness of the Rose lineage is an active living pathway.

It is moving within us.

Just as there are ley lines, portals and vortices in the earth that carry energies all around the globe, there are meridians or energy pathways within our bodies connecting the gates and portals within us.

The cosmos, especially Venus, connects with us through these energy centres or chakras, as does Gaia.

It is through our physical bodies and the energetic pathways within us that we anchor these energies of the new timeline here on earth.

Venus’s cycle is reflected in our bodies. She is there for us to align with to receive from.

The beauty of her dance is felt within us so we may know thyself.

This is an experiential pathway. It is not something that can just be understood intellectually, it must also be felt so that it filters down into our DNA.

The essence of these Divine feminine energies was planted within Gaia when she was created.

When we incarnate here onto earth these Divine mother energies are activated within us, like a flame, entering through our root chakra and lighting up our 3 main centres.

The Womb space (sacral chakra), the centre of creation, represented by the land.

The Heart space (heart chakra), the centre of truth, represented by the waters and;

The Mind space (3rd Eye/Anja chakra), the centre of Wisdom, represented by the sky.

These centres are all interconnected like a circuit, as are the many intricate energy pathways in the body.

Often times these centres are disconnected from trauma. Re-linking them will allow that communication and harmonic flow to re-establish within.

The energy centres hold vast amounts of mystical knowledge that deeply support us to know ourselves.

When they are consciously engaged and tended to they create a wholeness within and open us to our magic.

Working consciously with your Womb/Heart & Mind space is a great way to start exploring and listening to your bodies inner wisdom and discovering the sacred feminine mysteries she wishes to share with you.

An invitation...

If you feel to explore this, I invite you to place a hand over your womb space, located in your sacral area, just below your belly button, and your other hand over your heart space, in the centre of your chest.

Gently breathe into the womb space and get a sense of her energy. Feel what is present there, allow any emotion that arises, notice any sensations.

Stay here as long as you need. If this is the first time you've done this, there may feel like there's lots to catch up on! Or you may feel not much at all, it may feel a bit numb or disconnected. Thats okay, there is nothing wrong. Just notice, and BE, don't judge.

After you feel this connection bring your breath from your womb space into your heart space. Connect here and allow yourself to be present with your heart.

Once you feel your heart connection imagine joining the womb and the heart in a figure 8 pattern, breathing the energy through the womb space and into the heart space and back.

Notice what arises, what do you feel when the two connect?

You may like to ask for guidance from your womb/heart

This is a beautiful practice to include in your daily ritual (see my previous post on ritual & ceremony:

There are many ways to work with the feminine pathways of the body and ways to expand on this simple exercise also.

I encourage you to practice this one until you feel a good connection. You may also like to connect in with Gaia below and Source above as you do this. Or you may like to just simply stay with your womb space and really re-establish a stronger connection here before integrating with the other areas.

We are called not only to discover the dreams planted here within our womb space, but we are also called to share them through our unique creative expression in the world.

The stronger your connection to your womb the more passion and creativity can be birthed!

Attune to your womb, she is your connection to the Divine Feminine. She has wisdom to share!

In infinite love & compassion,

SiStar of the Rose

Heidi xx


Alchemy of the Rose Series


Alchemy of the Rose Series