Alchemy of the Rose Series


The Gift

It all comes down to ONE thing…

This is the last post for my 10 week series.

I was called to share weekly on my Rose Lineage as both an inner journey for myself to deepen into this path and to touch the hearts of those who resonate with the Rose teachings.

This is a part of my service here to humanity. Planting seeds of consciousness to shine light on this mystical path that ignites a remembrance within you of your own sacred essence.

During the last 9 weeks, we have looked at the magic of the Rose flower itself, the earthly symbol of this path, holding a divine fragrance, a high frequency and how she acts as a custodian for the Rose codes.

I have shared how I was initiated into my Rose Lineage and the significance of the Rose on my journey.

We have enquired into our souls to see the nurturing, compassionate essence of the Divine feminine which weaves its way through the fabric of our being, awakening unconditional love within us, and in the collective.

We have seen how this awakening allows the shadows and darkness we have buried deeply, to be fully seen and held in love.

We have learned about the beautiful 5 petaled rose dance of Venus in the night sky and how we can sync our vessel in with her cycle and be supported by her etheric energies.

We have seen the potency of the vibration of the Rose in the healing journey, and how she guides us to embrace our own uniqueness and uplift those around us in theirs.

She shares how our magnificence is amplified in coming together and the power of the Sisterhood in awakening this divinity for humanity.

We have remembered the origins of the sacred feminine and the deep reverence she was once given.

We have examined the programming and manipulation that has disconnected us from ourselves, others, Source and has created masculine and feminine wounding. We have explored Divine union and the importance of knowing and harmonizing our own inner Divine Masculine and Feminine.

We have heard about some of the Rose lineage Masters and Great Teachers, who have served humanity through their embodiment of this lineage and made significant impacts through their life’s work, bringing through the codes we are remembering here now.

We have seen how we are being called to heal our wounding, our feminine, our masculine and master a path of self-love.

We are shown the importance of connecting with and honouring our physical vessel as a conduit for unconditional love and for raising the frequency of Gaia.

We have looked at how we are connected to the earth, to the stars, to all things and the impact we can have on the collective through learning how to be responsible for our own vibration.

We have touched on the sacredness of the woman’s connection to her feminine gates and pathways and the inner void of the womb of creation.

The Rose Codes show us that the Consciousness of the Rose lineage is an active living pathway of unconditional love.

It is an energy alive within us now, waiting for us to reconnect and work with it to awaken to our truth and our light.

In doing so we birth an age of love, divine sovereignty, peace, harmony and Oneness. It is our mission and our Divine right to experience this.

And so, to finish up, a series on the Rose Pathway would not be complete without exploring the very essence, the consciousness, the frequency on which it is based: UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.

And yet, this is such a magnificent topic I cannot possibly even anticipate covering it or even touching the sides…for its nature is that of expansion - there will always be more!

I do though feel to offer a few insights from my own journey with unconditional love.

In pondering this over many years, I have always come back to the question...

... do any of us REALLY know unconditional love?

Do we walk it in our lives?

I know we want to…I know we claim to…but do we?

Growing up I was taught that we should love ourselves first so that then we can love others, and that unconditional love was ultimately what we wanted to give and receive. Being told that and experiencing it, feeling it, knowing it, being in and around it, are 2 very different things.

I witnessed the complete opposite of this.

I knew this was the ideal but I had no idea how to do it.

I can see that it was unhealed wounds that prevented those around me from being able to truly allow love in.

And when wounds are weeping the grief and pain from within us, we do whatever we can to survive.

That’s what I experienced, the patterns of wounding disguised as love because that’s all they knew, and that’s all I knew too.

Patterns, some subtle, some overt, I would later discover, manipulated and controlled me into feeling I must be a certain way to be accepted and loved.

If I thought or acted differently I would risk disconnection from those who were there to keep me alive.

I became compliant so as not to create waves or upset anyone.

I became co-dependant because that was the safest way to be and the easiest way to get love.

I had no idea who Heidi was, I was a shadow of another.

It would not be until years later, when I finally had the courage to take myself on a path of self-love and truly do the work to fully disconnect from co-dependency, that I would face my own wounds and see the void where conditional love danced, trying to play the role of unconditional love.

I too had become a conditional lover.

Subtly using my moods to guilt my partners, to show them I did not approve, using my language, behaviour or tone to get my messages across, to control the outcome and get my needs met.

All the while, disempowering both of us.

Creating a power dynamic that benefited no one but had me feel a false sense of power and a short-lived satisfaction that I had ‘won’.

It was like a game, and I was not the only one playing.

I would ‘love’ and ‘feel loved’ if things went a certain way, and if they didn’t I would feel hurt, rejected and abandoned.

Then I would blame and justify, trying desperately to relieve myself of any responsibility for how awful things were. Setting up and perpetuating a conditional love dynamic with the other.

I had no solid place established within me, I didn't know where I ended and they began, and neither did those I was interacting with.

However, what I found, was that conditional love is also a gift.

A gift!?


Yes, it’s a gift…because it points us to those spaces within us where we have not yet known the beauty and healing of unconditional love.

It shows us where we need to love ourselves even deeper.

It shines light on our wounding.

Often we will see this in our partnerships, where they mimic the parental relationships we had growing up, acting as a beautiful mirror to show us where we need to tend within.

And so from my own inner and outer observations I conclude...that the majority of us aspire to love unconditionally.

We want to be able to provide this to others. Many of us are doing this at least some of the time.

Those who have done much of the inner work will likely find this easier and where our wounds are still unhealed we may find this more challenging.

I invite you, when you observe yourself loving another conditionally, to ask your heart to reveal to you where you are loving yourself conditionally.

This is your key.

When you find compassion for yourself in these places and love yourself despite these flaws your perceive, unconditional love for others will flow more easily.

To support you, here is a Statement of Affirmation/Prayer to repeat aloud. (You may like to do this everyday for 21 days or a time that feels right for you):

“May Pure Divine Love flow through me now into all the spaces of my being, revealing any and all patterns, beliefs and conditions I hold, that prevent me from giving and receiving Unconditional Love. I am open to receive Unconditional love now.”

I hope you have received a special little something, perhaps a sacred stirring of your heart, from my 10 week post offering, Alchemy of the Rose.

I appreciate your time in receiving these posts. It has been my absolute pleasure to share with you from my Rose Lineage.

If you feel a deeper calling of the Rose teachings, or something is speaking to your heart from this, please reach out, I would love to connect with you.

Also, I offer a 3 month Sacred Women's program called "Journey of The Wild Rose" for a deeper more personal dive into the beauty & gifts of the rose within you.

I also offer sessions 1 on 1, those who feel the call to work with me on a deep &, nurtured walk within, tailored to what is being called forth for you.

So much love to you on this amazing journey we share!

Heidi xx

Nurtured Hearts


Alchemy of the Rose Series